
Ole Insurance Group Corp. I.I. is a company specializing in life insurance. We offer coverage and wellbeing services that provides customers with easy, fast, and flexible experience thru technology and innovation.
Ole Insurance evolved from Amedex, an international underwriter created in 1986, which pioneered international health and life insurance products in Latin America and the Caribbean. On December 1st, 2021, Amedex was rebranded and transformed into Ole Insurance while continuing to offer the best coverage with a unique service experience.
Ole Insurance is registered and authorized in Puerto Rico and complies with all the requirements established by the Office of the Insurance Commissioner, exceeding the solvency and liquidity margins that are required.
The Office of the Insurance Commissioner of Puerto Rico is a member of the US National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC), which is an organization comprised of all Insurance Department Regulators, including the 50 states of the United States of America, the District of Columbia and 5 U.S. territories, including Puerto Rico. NAIC provides expertise, data, and analysis for insurance commissioners to effectively regulate the industry and offer consumer protection.
The American Fidelity family of companies has expanded its services by making its products available to international customers.
Since 2001, American Fidelity International (Bermuda) Ltd. has achieved significant success by providing financial security solutions to international clients.
The goals of American Fidelity International (Bermuda) Ltd. are based on two fundamental principles:
To provide our international customers with quality products that meet their financial needs.
To assist in providing our international customers with financial protection solutions.
American Fidelity International (Bermuda) Ltd. has chosen Bermuda as its primary foreign location for the following reasons:
Bermuda’s stable economy and government provide a secure environment for its clients’ funds.
American Fidelity International (Bermuda) Ltd. must comply with the laws established in the Bermuda Insurance Act. The legal system in Bermuda is generally governed by the principles of English Common Law, which supplements Bermuda legislation.